The older documents on this page are currently under review by the Headship team but the statutory documents provide key information you may be looking for. If you are looking for the latest information on Attendance and Absence penalty charges in light of changes introduced by the Government 19/08/24 – this information can be viewed at the Achieving for Children website link here
- Accessibility plan
- Attendance policy
- Behaviour and antibullying policy
- Charging and remissions policy
- Children looked after policy
- Complaints policy
- Cycle and Scooter policy
- Data protection policy
- Drug education policy
- Educational visits policy
- Equality statement
- EYFS policy
- Freedom of information
- GDPR policy
- Governors allowances
- Health and safety policy
- Home learning homework policy
- Home school agreement
- Instrument of government
- Keeping Children Safe in Education
- Looked after children
- Mental health and wellbeing policy
- Online safety policy
- Parent code of conduct
- Positive handling policy
- PSHE policy
- School related weapons and potential weapons
- SEN policy
- Snow and inclement weather policy
- Supporting children with medical needs policy
- Uniform policy
- Volunteers working in school policy
- Whistleblowing policy