Lovelace Primary School

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Physical Education

The facilities at Lovelace are second to none. We have worked hard to be able to offer the children all year-round outdoor PE experiences, including cross country, orienteering, tennis and athletics. The grounds are extensive and unique to the area, and we regularly invite other schools to compete in a variety of competitions. We encourage and nurture every child to reach their full potential, wherever their PE journey begins. The field has the capacity for two football pitches as well as an athletics track (marked out in the summer term) and we also have a path circling the field which we use all year round – 3 circuits equals the daily mile!


We are also very fortunate to have a covered swimming pool. The children get to swim for at least 21 weeks a year, in a warm, heated and well-maintained pool. Our swimming record is well above the national average, and we are very proud of the children’s hard work and enthusiasm throughout the whole school from reception through to year 6. We are very proud of the school’s swimming achievements and strive to maintain them every year.


“Pupils from Reception to Year 6 benefit from regular swimming lessons in the school’s pool, and pupils report that swimming is a particular favourite with them.” – Ofsted


Mr Foskett is the full time Sports Coach at Lovelace. He is employed to manage sports throughout the school – which means the children are taught PE by a specialist trainer at least once a week. He also prepares the children to compete against other schools. Lovelace has consistently been one of the top schools in the borough for participation.

The children have had varying success at the tournaments in the Borough events, recently winning the Y5/6 Girls Borough Cricket Tournaments in 2024 and representing Kingston at the London Youth Games and winning the KS2 Borough Sports Hall Athletics competition in Autumn 2024.

Having gained 5 consecutive gold Sainsbury’s School Games awards we were given a special platinum award as a result. 

In addition to the compulsory 2 hours of PE a week – Lovelace also has a variety of sports clubs:

Girls Football

Boys Football

Tag Rugby



Cross Country


Country Dancing





Primary PE and Sport Premium at Lovelace Primary School 2024/2025

Essentially the ‘Lovelace Ways’ are about empowering subject leaders to strategically lead and promote the teaching of the subject across the school to secure the best possible outcomes for pupils in achieving our goal of ‘Learning Together, Succeeding Forever’: successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. The latest P.E. “Way” is below

P.E. Lovelace Way