Lovelace Primary School

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School Meals

In order to pay for and order a school meal for your child(ren) you will need to have a ParentPay account. If you are not enrolled with ParentPay – please ask at the Office. School meals will be charged at £2.65 per day unless your child is entitled to a “Universal Free School Meal” (those pupils in Years R, 1 or 2) or for those children who are entitled to a “Free School Meal”.

Latest menus and information can be downloaded/viewed in document(s) below. If you require further guidance on paying for or ordering school meals, ParentPay have a useful guide which can be found here.

School meals must be ordered and paid for in advance and no later than Midnight on the day before you would like your child to have a meal. If your child is absent due to illness, medical appointments etc, (and you have previously booked a meal for your child), you must cancel the booking via your ParentPay login by 8:00 a.m. on the day of absence. If you do not do this, your account will be charged, and no refund will be made to you.

Water, Fruit, Lunches – Help us to keep you child healthy

Please send your child to school with a labelled water bottle to use with our fresh water coolers or drinking taps.

We offer every child in Nursery to Year 2 a free piece of fruit at morning playtime or during their session. We welcome Key Stage 2 children bringing in fresh fruit from home to eat at morning playtimes and / or after school before starting a club.

Lunchtimes – these are a key part of learning in school and provide the opportunity for a healthy midday meal. Initially on return to school Caterlink are offering a free packed lunch to all children in Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 from the Universal School Meals Scheme. All other pupils, unless your child is eligible for a free school meal, are able to buy a packed lunch from Caterlink for £2.65 per lunch. Please make sure there is money on your child’s account and that a lunch has been ordered.


We are an allergy aware school. You must let us and Caterlink know if your child has any food allergen issue or intolerance. We have a number of children and staff in school with a variety of very serious allergies (to nuts, dairy etc.). Because of serious allergies, Kingston has a ‘no nuts, peanut butter and nut products in school’ policy. Nut products should NOT be put in packed lunches, or any food brought into school. The only exception to this is where the product states, ‘This product may contain trace elements of nuts’ or ‘This product was produced in a factory containing nuts. Caterlink caterers can normally offer set menus to children who suffer from other food allergies, e.g. dairy –you must complete a special diet referral form with medical evidence to Miss Cooper in the school office. The nutritional team at Caterlink will create a special diet menu, specifically for your child.

Special Diets for children returning in September:

If your child currently has a special diet (due to allergies or medical needs), you must complete a new Caterlink form (see attachment below). Whilst every effort will be made by the new company to process these in time, please provide your child with a packed lunch until you have received confirmation that your child’s diet has been approved. September 2021 Special Diet – any special diets that are waiting to be created, children will be fed with a plain jacket potato with beans or salad, and a piece of fruit.


If you or your partner are in receipt of Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 resettlement and asylum team, the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit. If you receive the Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit. If you have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190. – you may be entitled to free school meals. Please apply here.

Caterlink Special Diet Referral Form