Lovelace Primary School

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Remote Learning Provision

Learning at Home and Remote Learning

During the Coronavirus Pandemic we prepared a contingency plan for remote learning. Whilst the Pandemic has thankfully passed, we have kept this page as a guide for future contingencies as a guide.

If a child is ill, we would not expect them to complete remote learning. With rest, they are more likely to have a speedy recovery and be able to return to school more quickly.

If they are self-isolating because of (for example) C19 symptoms, through coming into contact with a positive case or because of imposed quarantine following return from abroad, these children would complete their class self-isolation learning packs alongside access to national online resources – namely Learning at Home.

Only when a class bubble, year group bubble, key stage bubble or whole school isolation comes into force do we move to Remote Learning.


National Oak Academy is an online resource designed to support teachers' and parents' efforts in Remote Learning. Here is a summary of their evolution:-

  • Created in April 2020 as a rapid response to the coronavirus outbreak, they brought together a group of partners committed to supporting schools’ efforts to keep children learning.
  • In less than two years they've developed 40,000+ resources with the support of 550 teachers and delivered over 150 million lessons in their online Classroom.
  • As the new national body supporting curriculum, they're working with a diverse range of experts and partners. They will identify, create and share fully resourced curriculum models, units and lessons for you to adapt and use with students.

For clarification –

Learning at Home: as a result of a short-term isolation or periods away from school because of C19 advice this is self-directed learning opportunities set on a weekly basis to complete at home

Remote Learning: learning opportunities set for children not able to access face-to-face learning due to self-isolation of a complete class bubble / year group / school because of Public Health England guidance.

All classes in Reception, KS1 and KS2 are already in a position to provide Remote Learning via Google Classroom. Nursery have Tapestry to maintain learning.

Packs required for Learning at Home would be accessed via your child’s Google Classroom.

Details on how to access Google Classroom are in the documents at the bottom of this page.

How to join a Lovelace Google Meet

How to sign in to Google

How to sign in to Google Classroom

Safeguarding Guidelines for using Google Meets

Troubleshoot on joining a Lovelace Google Meet