Lovelace Primary School

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Personal, Social & Health Education

Essentially the ‘Lovelace Ways’ are about empowering subject leaders to strategically lead and promote the teaching of the subject across the school to secure the best possible outcomes for pupils in achieving our goal of ‘Learning Together, Succeeding Forever’: successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. The latest “Way” is below

PHSE 2023

Lovelace follows the Jigsaw programme of study, which is a mindful approach to PSHE. It brings together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. A lesson a week with the teaching resources included, helps teachers to focus on tailoring the lessons to their children’s needs and to enjoy building a positive relationship with their class, getting to know them better as unique human beings. We have included Jigsaw documents below for further information.

EYFS - Jigsaw leaflet

PSHE - Jigsaw leaflet

RSHE - Jigsaw leaflet