Vision & Values
604 Children
455 families
80 staff and governors
7 faiths
1 Lovelace Community
Our forever relevant school motto is:
Learning Together, Succeeding Forever
For our children:
- our emphasis on developing the whole child: successful learners who enjoy and achieve (smarter), confident individuals who lead safe and healthy lives (healthier) and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society (happier)
- ensuring consistently high-quality teaching and learning through a vibrant, engaging and progressive curriculum experience
- ensuring all pupils make good or better progress from their starting points
- continually working to diminish the difference and overcome disadvantage
For our school and community:
- always striving to build capacity and sustainability
- building the ‘Lovelace Way’ of teamwork, leadership, smart working, collective accountability, transformational and future thinking
- seek high levels of job fulfilment and well being
- strengthen partnerships and collaborations both within and across schools to help us improve and to help others improve
Please see how our values link through our Curriculum Intent and Implementation